
This project consists of several discrete software components, which are as follows:

  • Registration Webapp
  • Domjudge Contest Server
  • Domjudge Judgehosts
  • MongoDB & MariaDB databases

All of the components of the project are deployed using Docker. Docker is a tool which containerizes software into small, light-weight virtual machines. Each of our primary components are deployed in their own Docker container.

Theses docs focus primarily on the Flask webapp for User/Team Registration, but details for deploying Domjudge can be found in the Deployment section below. The repository for those Docker images can be found here.


  • User & Team Registration
    • Quick Registration of an entire team
    • Solo registration for individual participants
    • Team management features (add/remove members, rename)
  • Domjudge Integration
    • Simple deployment of Domserver & Judgehosts with Docker
    • Easy scaling of Judgehost instances

How it Works

Registration Webapp

The webapp is written in Python 3 (previously Python 2) using the Flask web microframework. Flask allows Python to act as an interactive web server which can dynamically render webpage templates, manage user sessions via secure cookies, and integrate with additional libraries to extend functionality. Some of the libraries we use include:

  • MongoEngine: A Object Document Manager which provides an API to the MongoDB database.
  • WTForms: A form creation and validation framework.
  • Jinja 2: A templating language bundled with Flask.
  • Node.js: A Javascript runtime environment.
  • Sass: A preprocessed stylesheet language.

The webapp depends on the db service in the Docker Compose config which runs the MongoDB database.


DOMjudge is an automated judging system for running programming contests such as ACM's ICPC. Domjudge comes in two components: the Domserver and the Judgehosts.

Deploying the Domjudge components with Docker has several key advantages:

  • Script complex installation process via Dockerfile
  • Easily scale and redeploy Judgehosts
# Scaling judgehosts
docker-compose scale judgehost=4

The Domsserver depends on the domdb service in the Docker Compose config which runs the MariaDB database.

To Do

A comprehensive list of to-do items is available on this project's Github Issues page.